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Helpful Information for Everyday Utilization

From training guides to recent webinars, these materials are your resource for utilizing HEALTHeLINK™ effectively.

Training Video: HEALTHeLINK Complete End to End

This video is a compilation of the 11 individual videos below and intended to serve as a complete end to end training video. The individual videos below can be used to review individual transactions available through HEALTHeLINK.

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Training Video: Logging into the HEALTHeCOMMUNITY Portal

This video demonstrates how to log into the HEALTHeCOMMUNITY Portal to access HEALTHeLINK.

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Training Video: Managing Patient Consent

This video demonstrates how to manage HEALTHeLINK patient consent from the HEALTHeNET application.

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Training Video: Managing Patient Consent-Determining Consent Status

This video shows a user how to determine a patient’s current HEALTHeLINK consent status.

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Training Video: Next Patient / Logout

This video covers moving on to another patient or logging out when you are done.

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Training Video: Opening a Clinical Result

This video demonstrates opening and viewing a clinical result.

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Training Video: Opening an Encounter

This video provides an overview of encounters contained in HEALTHeLINK.

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Training Video: Patient Registration

This video illustrates how accurate registration is the key to protect patient information. You are the first line of defense regarding patient accuracy to ensure the best medical treatment!

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Training Video: Personalizing the Patient Summary View

This video will demonstrate how you can “personalize” your view of the patient summary page.

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Training Video: Printing a Single or Multiple Results

This video demonstrates the printing of results from the application.

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