Participants & Locations
Last Update: 12/03/2024 12:30:02
(739 Organizations)
HEALTHeLINK is a Participant in the eHealthExchange which is a network of Participants from across the country including the Veterans Administration and Department of Defense. By signing the HEALTHeLINK patient consent form any provider, who is a current or future Participant in the eHealthExchange, may access your health information when providing health care services to you. Learn more about the eHealthExchange and its Participants.
HEALTHeLINK is also a Qualified Entity (QE) and participant in the State Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY). The SHIN-NY is a network of networks that includes the 6 QEs throughout New York State. By signing the HEALTHeLINK patient consent form any provider, who is a current or future Pariticipant of a QE that is a participant of SHIN-NY, may access your health information when providing health related services. Learn more about the SHIN-NY and its member QEs.
Physicians and allied health care professionals join HEALTHeLINK every day, so check here frequently to see if your providers have joined HEALTHeLINK, or call (716) 206-0993.
Last Update: 12/03/2024 12:30:02